SSG Caramel Apple Mix
SSG Caramel Apple Mix
The very pleasant flavors of caramel and apple come together to form this sweet dessert. A roll mixture is provided as a topping or for sprinkling.
Use as a cheese ball, a frosting, a dip or a filling for cannolis or angel food tarts. You might even wish to fill phyllo shells or eclairs too!
We made a cheesecake too (photograph below).
See recipe for Butter Scotch Sauce in recipe section.
Directions for DIP, Frosting & Filling: Combine larger package with 8 ounces of softened cream cheese, mixing well to remove any lumps. Fold in 8 ounces of thawed whipped topping, such as Cool-Whip. Sprinkle with topping provided.
Directions for Cheese Ball or Bagel Spread. Combine larger package with 2-8 ounce bars of softened cream cheese. For cheese ball, refrigerate for about an hour. Remove from frig, wet hands, and shape into a ball or into two logs. Sprinkle with topping provided in smaller package.
Directions for Cheese Cake: Dissolve package with 1/4 cup warm water. Add 8 ounces softened cream cheese and mix to remove lumps. Add 8 ounces of thawed whipped topping such as Cool-Whip. Pour into your favorite pie shell and sprinkle with contents of smaller package.